OSA is in full adoption of the Common Core Math standards in all our classes. We encourage to focus on their ability to explain the process of problem solving using academic language. Remember to understand that with this type of learning, mastery may be more gradual depending on each student’s learning style. Our objectives for our students are:
- To ensure students experience the integration of Mathematical Practice in daily class activities
- To measure student learning regularly and throughout all classes
- To support students in higher math classes in the Learning Center
Middle School Pathways (click for visual)
Students may follow the Grade-Level Sequence or the Accelerated Pathway. The Accelerated Pathway distributes the acceleration over grades 6 & 7. This plan offers the most flexibility and ease for students to opt in or out of acceleration with respect to the content and cognitive demand of these courses
High School Pathways (click for visual)
Students may follow the Traditional Sequence which reaches Pre Calculus in 12th grade or the Accelerated Pathway that ends with AP Calculus.
Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions

Core Connections 1
This course is designed to begin to prepare students for the demands of the Common Core Algebra course and the associated national standardized testing. CC1 is taught in 6th grade as the first step in the Pre-Algebra progression. The overall teaching goal is to prepare students for success in the higher levels of Common Core Math and to develop the "habits of mind"/problem solving skills that benefit other areas of their lives. Sixth grade math is full of practical math skills that are part of daily life.
Accelerated CC1/CC2
This course combines CC1 and part of CC2 under an accelerated program designed prepare students for the demands of the Common Core Algebra course and the associated national standardized testing over two years (the next course in the progression is a combined CC2/CC3 course). The overall teaching goal is to prepare students for success in the higher levels of Common Core Math and to develop the "habits of mind"/problem solving skills that benefit other areas of their lives, while moving at a faster pace for students who are ready to do so. Sixth and seventh grade math are full of practical math skills that are part of daily life.
Core Connections 2
This course is designed to begin to prepare students for the demands of the Common Core Algebra course and the associated national standardized testing. CC2 is taught in 7th grade. The overall teaching goal is to prepare students for success in the higher levels of Common Core Math and to develop the "habits of mind"/problem solving skills that benefit other areas of their lives. Sixth grade math is full of practical math skills that are part of daily life.
Accelerated CC2/CC3
This course combines CC2 and part of CC3 under an accelerated program designed prepare students for the demands of the Common Core Algebra course and the associated national standardized testing over two years. The overall teaching goal is to prepare students for success in the higher levels of Common Core Math and to develop the "habits of mind"/problem solving skills that benefit other areas of their lives, while moving at a faster pace for students who are ready to do so. Sixth and seventh grade math are full of practical math skills that are part of daily life.
Core Connections 3
This course is designed to prepare students for the rigorous demands of the Common Core Algebra course and the associated national standardized testing that was instituted in the 2015-2016 school year. CC3 is the third step in a progression that begins with CC1 and focuses on the Linear Algebraic concepts related primarily to equations, systems of equations and inequalities and parts of Plane Geometry. The overall teaching goal is not only to prepare our students for success in the higher levels of Common Core Mathematics, but to develop the "habits of mind" also known as Mathematical Practices, along with life- and problem-solving skills that benefit other areas of their lives.
Algebra is the first course in a five-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses that starts with Algebra I and continues through Calculus. It aims to deepen and extend student understanding built in previous courses by focusing on developing fluency with solving linear equations, inequalities, and systems. These skills are extended to solving quadratic equations, exploring linear, quadratic, and exponential functions graphically, numerically, symbolically, and as sequences, and by using regression techniques to analyze the fit of models to distributions of data.
Students apply arithmetic, algebra, and reasoning skills to investigate natural and man-made objects while developing the life-long skills of questioning, analyzing, gathering and constructing evidence, problem solving, and communicating rigorous arguments. In the spirit of “all teach, all learn,” students will collaborate with others, sharing information, expertise, and ideas in a structure that consists of small groups working interdependently on common tasks.
Algebra II
The third course in a five-year sequence of rigorous college preparatory mathematics courses that starts with Algebra I and continues through Calculus. It aims to apply and extend what students have learned in previous courses by focusing on finding connections between multiple representations of functions, transformations of different function families, finding zeros of polynomials and connecting them to graphs and equations of polynomials, modeling periodic phenomena with trigonometry, and understanding the role of randomness and the normal distribution in making statistical conclusions.
PreCalculus (Regular & Honors)
This is the fourth course in a five-year sequence of rigorous college preparatory mathematics courses. Precalculus encompasses both trigonometry and math analysis. It is the background for the mathematical concepts, problems, issues and techniques that appear in the calculus course.
This is a concurrent enrollment course offered through Berkeley City College.
This is a concurrent enrollment course offered through Berkeley City College.